Jennifer + Bill: Engagement

So last Saturday, I had the pleasure of doing an engagement session with Jennifer and Bill on his parent's farm!  This couple was so much fun - they have so much chemistry you just know they are meant for each other!  We had a great time hanging out, driving around in a SUV to different parts of the farm.. it was like a dream come true as a photographer.. to just have this whole farm at my fingertips hahaha!

Bill was like our guide on a field trip or something - he was showing us these different fruits we've never seen before, such as Monkey Brains (they look like brains!!) and just giving us an awesome history of his family's farm.  We ended the night in a big empty barn that had a ceiling lined with Christmas lights - ohmygoodness, my jaw dropped when we went in.. And Bill asked us something like, "So, what do you think of this place for some pics?"  UMMMM - YES YES PLEASE IT IS NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING!

So here's my last engagement session of the year, which I did at 38 weeks hahahaha!  But no worries, it happens that Jennifer is actually an OB/GYN resident, so if anything had happened, I could have had baby William on a farm and that would have been quite the story to tell LOL! 

 Okay without further ado - enjoy the slideshow and check out my faves below :)  
Thanks to Jenn and Bill for an amazing time!


Lastly, I need to give a big shoutout to my loving husband, Fred.. I know I wouldn't have been able to keep working until the point of popping without his support and awesome lighting skills :)  Here he is juggling a fruit that is called Monkey Brains!  They really do look like little brains hehe!!  And he's totally rocking my purple camera bag HAHAHA!

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