He's Arrived! William Anthony - 10/26/2012 :)

So.. I've been MIA a bit because I am recovering from giving birth to our first child - William Anthony :)  What an experience!  It really is true what they say... the pains of childbirth are no joke, but then when the baby arrives, everything suddenly washes away and all that is left is joy.

 I am thankful I was able to do an all-natural waterbirth.  The experience at The Birth Center in Wilmington, DE was great and I am glad that I switched my care over to them :)

10/26/2012 - 8 lbs, 10 oz - 21" :)

We love you so much William Anthony, thank you so much for coming into our lives :)  You truly are a gift from God!

We hope you'll bare with us while we learn to be parents HAHAHAHAHA! 

Thanks to everyone for your support, especially to our families for helping us with the baby and with our every day chores during my recovery.   Giving birth ain't no joke LOL!

So for now, I'm on maternity leave with a few sessions scattered here and there, but I should be back in full swing by next February or March.  Still, feel free to contact me should you be interested in a session or anything, I don't want to get too rusty HAHAHAHA!

Love you all!

-Tasha, Fred, and baby William

Images courtesy of Morby Photography, see more here.

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