Personal: Happy Birthday Momma!

So, today, Fred and I went to my parents' house to have dinner for my mommy's birthday - yay!!!

My mom is awesome.  I don't even know where to start.  If you google the term 'unconditional love', it should have her picture hehehe.  I guess as I reflect back on my own life.. the way my mother has raised me.. she has sacrificed so much for me.. selflessly.. without hesitation.. time and time again.  She's protected me.. and ALWAYS gone above and beyond to show her care for me.. I couldn't have asked for more...

.. I only hope that I can be even HALF the mother she has been to me.

It's almost surreal going and visiting my parents for dinner.. well, not surreal, it's NICE to be close enough to do that whenever we want.. as opposed to being in Cali while they are in NJ.  Sometimes I can't believe I'm really back on the east coast.. and that I'm married.. I always remember my brothers and sister coming over to visit my dad while I was still in the house.. it's kinda weird to not be in the house anymore myself hahahaha..  Time really flies!

I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!!  Just a few more years and we will give you some grand kids to spoil :)

 The cake Dad hid all day from Mommy..

This was Dad's card to my mom LOL.. My dad.. I love when he tries to be formal, it's so cute hehehehe!


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