My "Soulfriend" - Grace!

So, yesterday, I had the opportunity to photograph my soulfriend, Grace!  What is a soulfriend exactly?  Well, it's basically like a soulmate, except, they are not of the gender which you wish to marry LOL.  She cooked me an omelet a few years back and I asked her to marry me because it was so good.  I think that's where the term 'soulfriend' originated from because, while I knew I could not marry her, if she were of the opposite sex, I would have done so at that exact moment in time.  Her omelet was THAT good.  So while husband Fred is my soulMATE, Grace is my soulFRIEND hahahaha!

Grace has always been there for me through the years and I'm very thankful for that.  We've been through a lot together, both good times and bad times, but were able to take comfort in knowing that we had each other's backs.  Every time I hang out with her, it's never lacking in laughter and silliness.

You are a beautiful person, inside and out. And your omelets are incomparable. Seriously, try her egg and cheese omelet!

Here's to you Grace - my SOULfriend!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! Grace is BEAUTIFUL! Come on guys..she's SINGLE and eating pringles while she's waiting to mingle!


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